

Eye Movement DEsensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Have you ever had an extreme reaction to what seemed like a minor event? This happens to all of us, and it's not because you're overreacting or being too sensitive. We have these reactions because of destabilizing events that have occurred in our pasts.

EMDR is an empirically-validated therapy modality that uses bilateral stimulation to help reprocess memories that keep us "stuck". By allowing both hemispheres of your brain to be stimulated alternately (typically via right-to-left eye movements), the body's organic ability to heal is activated, allowing these past experiences to become less emotionally "charged." Clients who experience EMDR often leave sessions saying, "I haven't forgotten it, but I know it's over now."

Meaghan is a certified EMDR practitioner through the EMDR International Association (EMDRIA). Learn more at www.emdria.org.